In general, a coffee is denoted by the country that it is exported from. However, this is not the entire story. There are different regions within a country that grow coffee, and these regions are characterized by topographical differences. In one region there may be multiple farms growing coffee, and yet on a single farm the farmer may be growing several varieties of coffee. Since coffee beans are the roasted seeds of a coffee cherry, the question of where the precise location of ‘origin’ is becomes quite obscure. Is the origin the plots of land the coffee grows in? Is the origin innate to the variety of coffee grown? Is the origin in the region? Kaffae locates an origin in the moments where these three instances come together. Furthermore, single origin coffees are found through farmers, since it is they who till the soil of the region, plant the plants, and carry out the harvest. Every seed they pick is an encapsulation of time - temps. Single origin coffees are unique because they invite us to taste somewhere, to enjoy the flavors that came from a certain time in a definite location on earth.