Coffee grows in different regions on Earth. The flavors of each region are different, and the flavor of one region differs season after season...harvest after harvest. Baristas talk about the unique flavors of a coffee by describing the tastes they taste while drinking a cup of coffee. They describe, to the best of their ability, ‘what’s in the cup’. To comprehend the taste one tastes and name the flavors one has to slow down slow enough to feel the sensation of the flavor and describe it. For this reason, Kaffae encourages people to drink coffee slowly, one sip at a time. Drink sip by sip. Let what you sense linger for as long as possible, acquaint your self with it. Drink with a mouthful of joy; enjoy the subtle flavors of a coffee. Cups of coffee do not last forever, the dregs are a sign of that. Sometimes the dregs make us think the grounds weren’t properly filtered but Kaffae thinks that the dregs are the wild ones - the ones that can’t be filtered out. When we reach them, at the bottom of the cup, they bring a smile to our face.

Disparate Dregs
